Spiritual Energy Healing by Andrew M. Williams
Certified as an Advanced Energy Healer in 1997 by a true Healing Mystery School, Andrew draws upon Sufi, Kundalini & Kryia Yoga, and Ancient Aramaic Prayer lineages in his work.

What is a Spiritual Energy Healer?
A spiritual energy healer is one that is able to see into the hidden aspects of their subjects and help them, much as a shaman does for their people. Healing involves all parts of us. Our physical body is the most obvious aspect however, we also have an etheric, an emotional, a mental, and a spiritual body, known collectively as the “subtle bodies”. The deepest levels of healing happen within these subtle aspects…

Benefits of doing Inner Child work
The core of pain lies within the Inner Child. The inner child is a major part of us that still has the consciousness of a youngster, usually just pre-school age, and is found in the second chakra. We all know that the first few years of our lives are the truly formative ones. My spiritual energy healing typically deals with the inner child early on in the session. Using a powerful modality known as ‘voice dialog process’…

My Energy Healing Approach
After a brief discussion, you will relax in a serene, comfortable setting; eyes closed, and receive a clairvoyant chakra scan which is recorded on your chart. I use this as a “road map” to go in with and also record an “after” chart to keep as you progress. An invocation to the Divine is made, and the energy will be located within your body. Modalities used may include magnetic hands, voice dialog, awareness release technique…
Spiritual energy healing can help!
Do you feel…. Blocked? Relationship Pain? Anxious? Fearful? Isolated? Wounded? Low Self-Esteem? Sad? Sick? Disconnected from God? Do you sense something is missing or wrong in your life, but are not sure what the core issue really is? Would you like to be clearer and able to go deeper in your meditations?
Using heart centered clairvoyance, I will guide you into the deepest parts of your inner being, and together we will discover the energetic history and origins of your feelings and patterns of behavior. As we bring these energies into a profoundly pure, focused state of awareness, I will use the appropriate modalities to gently allow you to transform and release them using the power of your own heart and consciousness, and Divine Light.
Spiritual Energy Healing works at the deepest levels of your reality and can change your life.
“In one word. AMAZING! My experience has been completely life transforming. Divine light has awakened peace and inner harmony. I am so appreciative of Andrew’s work – completely and utterly in awe and I have immense gratitude for his pragmatic approach towards healing, his transparency, and respect for inner healing. His experience is a blessing and the synergistic approach is revolutionary…it has revolutionized my entire being!”