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Holy Light
I searched for a Spark
That would rekindle the Fire of Sacred Presence in my heart,
But now
Life has brought me white coals from a Divine Forge,
And the Chalice of my Heart has become molten
With a fire of Celestial Origin
Should I turn the corner,
and suddenly see You
There, with the Light of the Divine
Upon a familiar Face,
Waiting for me with a knowing look,
I should surely disappear into the Breath of God
and vanish…
By what means of Splendiferous Grace does this Light descend?
What trials must yet be endured,
What mission accomplished.
That the Hand of the Divine
Will reach down, and,
With a Holy Finger,
Swirl the waters of my Soul’s Essence back to
Complete Remembrance,
Sending ripples of Blessings across the Seas of my Time?
Surely, I must have forgotten the deed I have done
Somewhere, sometime,
That this Transcendent Play
Was called down from the Cup of the Beloved
Perhaps, once
I simply smiled at a Beggar
With loving acceptance in my Heart,
Not knowing that he had long ago
Transcended Earthly Bounds,
Never noticing the feathers scattered around his Cup,
And with that Act,
Called in to myself this Experience
In this strange world,
Where God dissolves me into Nothingness
Where legend tells of a Holy Promise
To reform me into the Divine Light
Of my original Face,
Should I find the Path,
The Grail of my Longing
In moments of this Earthly Life
I have breathed the airs of Seventh Heaven,
I have experienced Union with the One …
Light upon Light,
And yet
I have also descended into the Darkest Hades
Awaiting my Resurrection,
I endure this passage
Knowing this harsh, benevolent Grace,
This crucifixion of Innocence
Must be part of my Journey…
I walk the Path, willingly,
For, indeed, there is no Other…
In the Sunlight of Divine Wisdom,
Redemption seems Certain.
But amid Life’s pain and Anguish
The sun sets,
Its twilight becomes Dim,
And a pitiless moon fades the colors of my Path,
And yet, I must see it as Grace,
Even as I burn in this Hearth,
And search for Atonement
In the crucible of this Passage of Emptiness 
But, this is the Way of the Love,
Unfettered by chains of self-delusion
By earthly practicalities,
Nor any little lies
Told by the ‘rational’ mind to numb the Heart,
To put it to sleep
While the self-made-self
Peers into the mirror of illusion
And admires its false adornments,
Medals won in surreal dreamtime battles,
Temporal glories of the mind,
Seized upon as reflections of its Truth…
Now I think I understand
The last words of Jesus,
Oh, Yeshua,
My heart is pierced as was Yours,
I feel my water and blood pour Forth
In this timeless experience of Dying
Like Solomon, I must wonder
If all is in Vain;
As I am oft surrounded by the Forsaken,
And this place, this Purgatory
Seems a timeless Perdition,
For time as it is reckoned by Man,
Has no meaning Here…
And I must call it All Grace…
Living in the burial grounds of this Dream,
Are we destined to awaken into Reality
Once we have dug down through the Dust
Of the flesh and bones of our Ancestors,
To nature’s real Earth,
Yet not knowing when,
Nor how it will feel
When we finally touch It?
But we are all called to Trust
This Mystery,
This enigma we call our Existence
To believe that all is Well,
That the Light of the Beloved
Will silently touch our Hearts
With its simple, Resolute Truth,
Soon Enough…
So, pray with me,
My friend on the Corner,
In the streets, out in the Market,
In the Pews of Life,
Your heart knows things your mind Never Will,
Pray with me, Silently
With your Soul,
As you go about the errands in your busy Life,
Let us pray that this Light of the Beloved
Which my heart has so briefly but deeply Known
For a few moments in this Life,
Will silently touch your Own,
As your deceiving mind slowly Dissolves
Into the Numinous Light of Divine Grace
For when we transcend the Fable,
Beyond the verisimilitudes of Society,
Beyond earthly distortion, beyond the Illusion,
I feel Angels Hovering
At every turn…
Their feathers brush my cheek …
Your sweet Countenance
Is indelibly etched upon my Heart,
For, you see, I have witnessed Your Pure Light
The beauty of Your Secret
Unencumbered by the burden of earth’s Gravity,
Suspended in the Sunlight, free from Shadows,
And the perjuries that obscure the Truth from Men,
For your Countenance and Mine,
Are, in truth, One
This pure Identity,
This essence of your Untainted Soul
Is known only by Me,
As I am known only by You…
And there is no ‘me’…
And there is no ‘you’…
There is only the Oneness…
The Face of the One,
The Immeasurable Subsistence…
Ocean of many Drops
From which we all emerged
And into which we must all once again Plunge …
Reflected in all the Mirrors,
Behind all the Veils,
It is
The same Face
The One … The Beloved.
And when we sit with This Hallowed Reverie,
And the Holy Light of Silent Remembrance returns,
And we find That which we have so diligently Searched About,
And we bask in that Majestic Light upon Light,
The Light of the Face of the Beloved
Then, at that moment,
We will pray for all the world to Pray with Us,
That they would Breathe
This subtle atmosphere that permeates All Things,
And pray that they will See
This Light upon Light
That holds this world in an All-encompassing Embrace,
And, if those prayers are ever to be Answered,
Then, upon that day, all the people will lie down their Arms
And break all their Mirrors,
And they will Say,
“This Day,
I have found that for which I have been Searching.”
© 2008
Andrew M. Williams with Pati Sophia