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Articles by Andrew M. Williams

Expand your knowledge and understanding of chakras, subtle energies, and spiritual energy healing.

Articles by Andrew M. Williams
Expand your knowledge and understanding of chakras, subtle energies, and spiritual energy healing.

Healing Conflict and Discord

Healing Conflict and Discord

Is healing conflict and discord possible? Why are people, society, and nations still in deep conflict and discord with each other? What is the solution to this lack of peace, discord, and violence? Is there one? As a spiritual healer I have learned that to find the source of our conflict with others, it is necessary to discover it within...

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Mother Daughter Healing

Mother Daughter Healing

Mother daughter healing is always possible for you in the depth of your heart, even if your mother has left her body. Early in my healing career, I thought daughters would be more injured by their fathers, whom they adored and needed love and approval from, than their mothers. I quickly learned many years ago, however, that the mothers, who were...

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Forgiveness is Key to Healing

Forgiveness is Key to Healing

I’ve found forgiveness is key to healing of every kind. Forgiving ourselves comes first. The chakra in the center of our chest is the spiritual heart and is the Center of our Being where we give and receive love; it is where the alchemy of energetic transmutation takes place.  I’ve found that forgiveness is part of every deep healing; it involves...

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Painful Feelings – The Key to Healing!

Painful Feelings – The Key to Healing!

Sweeping our painful feelings and old, recurring reactive emotions ‘under the rug’ is a sure way to disown important parts of ourselves, and create suffering. The tendency to avoid pain creates an unfortunate pattern in people - that of avoiding the process of examination and discovery that leads to healing. As with so many things, this is the...

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Chakra Qualities

Chakra Qualities

Please note that I am not giving corresponding colors, gemstones, etc., because they are basically superfluous. Only the essential characteristics that I have found, verified, and experienced in actual practice are being listed. #1 Muladhara Root, connection to the earth, connection to ones’ ’tribe’, will to live, enthusiasm for life on...

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Opening and Balancing the Chakras

Opening and Balancing the Chakras

How the Chakras Really Work: Openness and Balance Opening and balancing the chakras, or energy centers, is a very misunderstood concept. It is indeed possible to open the chakras and bring them into balance with one another and with one's life purpose. However, the healing that takes place deep within us is the cause, and so to attempt to...

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From the Small Ego to the God Self

From the Small Ego to the God Self

Our bodies are subject to sickness and death from various diseases and accidents, and decay, as do all physical things. This is not by the directive of some deity that rewards, punishes, or bestows favor for prayer, and not necessarily ‘bad karma', although balancing karma can certainly be involved. All physical things are subject to...

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The Buddha and Childhood Wounding

The Buddha and Childhood Wounding

Those familiar with the story of Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha, may care to ponder his exceptional example. It reveals much about the innocence of the inner child and its loss. His father was the King, and legend has it that his pregnant mother had a lucid dream that Siddhartha would either become a great king or a great sage. The...

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Your Subtle Bodies and Their Amazing Dimensions!

Your Subtle Bodies and Their Amazing Dimensions!

The Truth about Your Aura, Subtle Bodies, and Multi-Dimensional Existence Most do not know the difference between the human aura and the electromagnetic field. They are two very different things. Your electromagnetic field is a measurable phenomenon of physics generated by the physical body, known as a bioelectric field. All living things produce...

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The Holy Light of the Silent Remembrance

The Holy Light of the Silent Remembrance

I searched for a Spark That would rekindle the Fire of Sacred Presence in my heart, But now Life has brought me white coals from a Divine Forge, And the Chalice of my Heart has become molten With a fire of Celestial Origin   Should I turn the corner, and suddenly see You There, with the Light of the Divine...

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